30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
March 10, 2024 to April 8, 2024
All Day
Category: MissionsThe term Muslim means someone who submits to the will of Allah (Arabic word for God). Any Muslim will tell you that a life in submission to Allah has implications for every area of life: eating, dress code, prayer, almsgiving, and visiting specific places. Submission is the central concept to Islam; submission to Allah’s law found in the Quran and the example of Muhammad, who is considered the last prophet.
In Islam, the heart of Allah’s law is found in five practices commonly known as The Five Pillars of Islam. By submitting to these five pillars, Muslims seek to secure their place in paradise.
You can find information of The Five Pillars of Islam by doing a google search. But the fourth pillar is the Fast of Ramadan. A month long fast when Muslims praise Allah for revealing the Quran. During daylight hours, for an entire month, billions of Muslims from around the world abstain from food, drink, and sexual activity. At the end of the fast, many Muslims gather to have a feast where they exchange gifts and remember the giving of the Quran.
This year, Ramadan starts on March 10th and goes through April 8th. So we want to invite you, your family or roommates to spend 30 days praying for Muslims around the world. Early in the morning, during dinner time, or any part of the day. We have provided a guide for you to use. Each day it introduces Muslims from different countries and gives you specific ways you can be praying for them. Pray that God would send dreams and laborers to open their eyes to the Gospel!
The hope is that Muslims would be released from submission to Allah, to follow a new king: Jesus! One who releases them from the bondage of sin and gives them the right to become children of the true God: Yahweh!
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