The hope for The Wells College Ministry is to connect college-aged students to a gospel-centered community.
We seek to do this via small groups, classes, and serving in the local church. While it is important for college-aged students to have community with their peers, we find it even more important to have a relationship with the larger body of the church. We believe true contentment in college is largely associated with being plugged into a local church, and want to encourage college students to have intergenerational discipleship.
Weekly Rhythm
College Nights - Every Tuesday, 7pm @ The Well
College Class - Every Sunday, 11:00am
College GCs - Weekly at various addresses.
Opportunities to Connect
Every college-aged student in Abilene is introduced to our church by having the opportunity to join a Gospel Community (a.k.a Small Group) These gospel community gatherings are simply places for college age students to engage in prayer, bible study, spiritual formation practices, and christ-centered community. Aside from being a part of a gospel community, the college ministry will have Sunday morning classes and various outings and events throughout the year.
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College Gospel Communities
Mondays at 7:30 PM
Leaders: Ethan King, Emmery Kovalcik, Avery LaCroix, and Aidan Kluth
Address: 668 EN 20th St, Abilene, TX 79601
Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Leaders: Kaai Meghani, Jack Helsey, Sam Bottorf, and Jonathon Tilden
Address: 1342 Washington Blvd, Abilene, TX 79601
You can learn more and contact us directly via our instagram page @thewellcollege or by sending us an email!
The College Ministry Team